And we said................I DO!

To begin this journey you have to have some history. After about 5 years, Jim finally proposed! He said he didn't want to rush me (I think we're safe there!). So, almost a year later (don't want to rush) we got married, on May 12th 2007. A very small wedding in our backyard; 11 people counting us and officiated by one of my closest friends (yes, ordained online). The next day we headed out on our honeymoon. A road trip down the coast line into California to Disneyland, then over to Las Vegas, up to Reno and back home in three wonderful weeks! And who thought that 8 months later we’d be moving to our very own horse property but, that’s exactly what happened!! Sometimes, childhood dreams do come true!! So, here begins our journey…..

2008-Settling in

2007 ended with a bang! We rang in the new year at the beach with Dale, Mary, Frank and Tammy. Of course, we couldn't stay as long as planned because we had to start packing for the big move! And what a move it was. You just don't realize how much "stuff" you've acquired until you move. LOL. But, we had lots of help! Thanks!! You all rock!! 2008 brought alot of changes. It was the year of "settling in", to a new place and a new life style. Within a week of moving, Jim's horse, Jake arrived. Jim loved him the minute he climbed out of the trailer.

We couldn't ask for a better horse.......thanks to Emma. And Minnie was happy to have a buddy seeings how she went from a stable full of horses to being the ONLY horse. The first few months were all about unpacking and getting a routine with having horses at home and property to care for. And, by the end of February, Emma had sucked us in to the Parelli Natural Horsemanship program. We bought our first set of dvd's and were off and running! In May we attended our first Parelli tour stop in Redmond OR. It was absolutely amazing! The changes in our horses (especially Minnie) were incredible. Minnie and I had already had a bond but our relationship went to a whole new level. It's amazing to look back at all the stuff her and I could NOT do at the start of 2008. Also in May, we adopted two dogs. Carly came from a family in Salem and Duke was born right in Scio. Jim said it's a "two dog" farm!
We joined the Scio Buckaroos; a local horse club that has it's own property with club house and a huge outdoor arena. It's been a great way to meet  horse people and it's a peaceful place to ride. In July we bought a much needed, larger horse trailer. Poor Jake was too big for our other one. LOL. And later that year we bought a tractor!! Yep, Jim gets to sing the song.........."She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy"!! Definitely money well spent! Thanksgiving rolled around and we had a belated celebration at our house. Jim's sister, Susie and her son, Travis and his new wife, Raylene were able to come. It was nice to finally spend time with more of Jim's family. Maybe some day I'll get to meet his other sister and his brother. LOL. Christmas and winter arrived at the same time and what a winter it was!

It was the Christmas that almost didn't happen. I was glued to the TV, totally mesmorized by the snow and ice and all the highway closures. We had plans to spend Christmas day at my mom and Michael's and then go to my aunt and uncle's and it was touch and go right up to Christmas morning. In the end, everyone made it. We drove 88 miles and never used 4WD until a block from my mom's house. Too funny!! Of course, I LOVE the snow so, it was all a big adventure to me (sorry everyone)!  :) It turned out to be a nice "white" Christmas and my aunt got to show off her newly remodeled house. The day didn't go without incident though. My aunt's new kitchen had plumbing issues and my cousin spent alot of time under the sink. My mom and Michael ended up with a flat tire which is always fun to fix in a foot of snow! My dad got home from my aunt and uncles only to turn around and take his neighbors daughter to the hospital (their car was stuck). And to top it all off, the next morning my dad found out his semi-tractor had been stolen (broken into, chained up and the snow)! Of course, everything turned out okay but, it sure was a strange series of "unfortunate" events. So, 2008 came to an end. We laid low at home and watched them ring in the new year on TV.

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